Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol

Archif Newyddion

Am Hydref 2022. Mae na 2 cofnodion ...


Aquarium Street, Rhyl

Posted: 22.09.22

Mae Cyngor Sir Ddinbych yn datblygu'r safle uchod ar hyn o bryd.

8 x tŷ 4 ystafell wely ar y Cynllun Rhent Canolradd a dylid eu cwblhau erbyn haf 2023.

Darllen mwy »

Aquarium Street, Rhyl

Posted: 22.09.22

Denbighshire CC are developing the above site currently.

8 x 4 bedroom houses on the Intermediate Rent Scheme and should be completed by the summer of 2023.

Darllen mwy »