Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol

109 Llys Onnen, Llandudno Junction, Conwy

  • Discounted S106 Properties

Ty 3 llofft diwedd teras ar gae

  • Conwy
  • 3 Ystafelloedd Gwely

*Os hoffech wneud cais am yr eiddo yna cysylltwch â ni drwy e-bost / ffôn neu chat drwy ein gwefan. Rhaid cyswllt gael ei wneud cyn dyddiad cau yr eiddo.*

Ty 3 llofft diwedd teras ar gael ar y cynllun Disgownt 106.

Mae’r eiddo’n cynnwys lolfa, cegin/ystafell fwyta, WC lawr grisiau, 3 llofft ac ystafell ymolchi, gardd i'r cefn, lle i barcio car i ffwrdd o'r ffordd, gwres canolog nwy (bolier angen ei drwsio). Ffenestri a drysau gwydr dwbwl UPVC.

Llesddaliad - 999 yn weddill o 1 Ionawr 2008

Pris Marchnad Agored: £205,000

Pris Fforddiadwy o 70%: £143,500

Lleiafswm o 5% o flaendal - yn dibynnu ar fenthyciwr

Rhent Tir - £150 y flwyddyn (£150 am y 50 mlynedd cyntaf o'r tymor, £300 am y 50 mlynedd nesaf, £600 am y 50 mlynedd nesaf, £900 i weddill)

Tal Gwasanaeth - £123.90 ar gyfer 2023-2024

Band Treth y Cyngor: C

EPC: Wedi atodi isod

Meini Prawf Preswylio:

Priority A - A person is local if they have lived or worked in full time permanent employment for a minimum and continuous period of 10 years, within the Community Council area or within a three mile radius of the affordable dwelling. Where a person does not meet this criterion the priority B criteria will be implemented

Priority B - A person is local if they have lived or worked in full time permanent employment for a minimum and continuous period of 5 years, within the Community Council area or within a three mile radius of the affordable dwelling. Where a person does not meet this criterion the priority C criteria will be implemented

Priority C - LDP13 Affordable Housing – Adopted August 2017 26 Where a local connection had been established for other reasons (not in priority order): · Where a person is moving into the area to look after a close relative who qualifies as either Priority A or B and is in need of daily care and assistance. This must be evidenced. · They need to move to the area so that a member of their household with a disability can attend a school or receive specialist support, but are unable to do so because of the difficulty in finding adequate accessible/affordable housing in the area. The need must be as a consequence of the disability and the need to move to that area must be evidenced. · They are serving in the Armed Forces or are former members of the Armed Forces who are not currently employed or resident in the area but have previously been resident in the area, including residency as a result of a former posting in the area while serving in the Armed Forces. This must be evidenced. · They are a ‘key worker’ moving into the community to take up permanent, full time employment within the community to which the settlement belongs. This must be evidenced. An example of a key worker is as follows: Ø A teacher in a school or in a further education establishment or sixth form college; Ø A nurse or other skilled health worker in the National Health Service Ø A police officer; Ø A fire officer; Ø Any other person whose employment fulfils an important role in the provision of key services within the area. Where a person does not meet this criterion the priority D criteria will be implemented

Priority D - A person is local if they have lived or worked in full time permanent employment for a minimum and continuous period of 10 years, within the Local Housing Market Area (LHMA). Where a person does not meet this criterion the priority E criteria will be implemented

Priority E - A person is local if they have lived or worked in full time permanent employment for a minimum and continuous period of 5 years, within the Local Housing Market Area (LHMA). Where a person does not meet this criterion the priority F criteria will be implemented

Priority F - LDP13 Affordable Housing – Adopted August 2017 27 A person is local if they have lived or worked in full time permanent employment for a minimum and continuous period of 5 years, within the Conwy County Borough. In line with national guidance, it is important to ensure that affordable housing is allocated to local people, thus ensuring that the housing effectively meets its purpose in providing for local need. The definition of local need shall initially be based on the local definition above. 10.4 When a property, subject to the condition, is advertised for sale the Authority would require it to be made available to an occupier within the settlement who meets the eligibility criteria specified within the original consent. That being the case the property must be advertised at an affordable price for a minimum of twelve months. 10.5 If after twelve months the property, having been marketed as required above, remains unsold the LPA can, upon certification, relax the conditions relating to the occupancy of the property which will allow the property to be offered to other persons in housing need who meet the ‘local’ definition above starting with a given neighbouring settlement. 10.6 If, after a further six months of advertising, the property still remains unsold, it can be offered, after certification by the LPA, to a person in housing need who has lived or worked in full time permanent employment for a minimum and continuous period of ten years within the Conwy County Borough or any neighbouring Local Authority

Nodwch, os gwelwch yn dda, mai eich cyfrifoldeb chi yw sicrhau bod y manylion ar eich ffurflen gais yn gywir ar adeg gwneud cais am eiddo gan y gallai effeithio ar eich lle ar y rhestr fer. Os oes angen diweddaru eich manylion, gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn rhoi gwybod i ni cyn dyddiad cau'r eiddo. Ni fydd manylion sy'n cael eu diweddaru ar ôl creu'r rhestr fer yn cael eu hystyried.

Manylion Eiddo

  • Cyfeiriad: Llys Onnen, Llandudno Junction LL31 9FD, UK
  • Cod Post: LL31 9FD
  • Ystafelloedd Gwely: 3
  • Math o Eiddo: Ail werthiant

Gwerth Eiddo

Pris Marchnad Agored Pris Fforddiadwy Blaendal fydd ei angen
£205,000 £143,500 Lleiafswm o 5% o flaendal - yn dibynnu ar fenthyciwr

Angen Cymorth?

Croeso i chi gysylltu â ni i drafod y broses cofrestru/eich cais neu gynllun penodol. Manylion cysylltu wedi ei nodi isod:

Ffôn: 03456 015 605

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